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Internet reset: Digital wellness during the summer solstice

Published 1:25 pm ET Jun 21

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What is the summer solstice?

The 2024 summer solstice fell on Thursday, June 20, marking the longest day and shortest night of the year. Each day after that will gradually become shorter by a few seconds until the winter solstice. Historically, the summer solstice has been a time for celebrations, ceremonies and traditions.

Rebalancing priorities during summer solstice check-in

Much like the New Year’s tradition of setting goals, the summer solstice offers a mid-year opportunity for reflection. Whether you live in New York, Chicago or along the West Coast from San Diego to Portland, summer is an ideal time to enjoy the outdoors, especially with children out of school. However, it is increasingly challenging to disconnect from the internet and the constant connectivity provided by our cell phones, tablets and other wireless devices.

Let this year’s summertime be a reminder to evaluate your technology use and ensure it isn’t taking up your free time in a detrimental way. It’s also an opportunity to reassess the cost of your internet, particularly if you’re searching for ways to save money on your home internet. Explore options for using technology in ways that bring more balance to your well-being and your wallet.

Top three ways to use the internet to meet wellness goals

If you want to use your home internet to enhance work-life balance, reset your online habits and benefit from a more intentional relationship with technology, try these methods that blend home Wi-Fi and wellness. 

Try a digital detox

A digital detox can sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to mean completely abstaining from the internet. For many of us who rely on our cell phones for work, scheduling and more, a total digital detox can be nearly impossible. Of course, it’s important to maintain access to Wi-Fi hotspots when necessary. However, there are several detox methods that can still accommodate your existing internet needs. 

  • Block time off: Start small, dedicating one to two hours per day to deliberate disconnection, tailored to your technological weak spots. For instance, if you tend to procrastinate in the evening, choose that time to put away all screens. Worried you might give in to temptation? Unplug your Wi-Fi router to prevent any online access. With your Wi-Fi not working, you will be obligated to engage in other activities. An added benefit is when you plug your router back in, the reboot will clear your cache and improve your internet speed.
  • Try a focus app: Apps like Opal and Forest, designed for productivity and focus, allow you to customize your technology access. You can block the entire internet or just certain distracting websites. Additionally, you can set focus times, such as during work hours, to help maintain your concentration. These apps are compatible with any internet connection type or service provider, such as Xfinity, Spectrum, T-Mobile, Verizon Fios and more.  
  • Weekend warrior: If your goal is to strengthen your relationships, a weekend digital detox is a bold way to jumpstart your progress. Going screen-free for the 48 hours between workweeks can be challenging initially, but being persistent can provide a big sense of accomplishment, as well as ample time to reflect on our tech reliance and its impact on our presence with friends and family.

Use apps intentionally

Not everyone needs to disconnect from the internet and TV to experience a positive change in how technology affects our lives. Perhaps you don’t struggle with turning off your digital devices, but instead, your goal is to improve your concentration and mindfulness. Here’s how to effectively integrate purpose-driven apps into your lifestyle to help you achieve your goals.

  • Identify a focus area: Choose a challenge you want to work on, but avoid focusing on too many habits at once, as this can be overwhelming. Popular areas of focus include sleep, mental wellness, habit improvement, fitness and nutrition. Your priority might also be a new hobby or skill you want to learn.
  • Choose an app: Search the App Store or Google Play to find an app that aligns with your goal. There are numerous free and subscription-based apps available that work with virtually any download speed. All you need is a cell phone or tablet and a cheap internet plan to get started. Some of the most popular options include Calm and Headspace for mindfulness and breathing, Fabulous and Tangerine for routine and habit optimization, and BetterSleep and RISE for sleep tracking. 
  • Be consistent: The key to maintaining effective change lies in consistency, not speed. Sustaining a steady practice and holding yourself accountable is the best way to ensure your new routines stick. Try using your training app at the same time each day and set an alarm on your cell phone as a reminder. Set up home Wi-Fi with a fiber provider, cable internet or 5G connection to get a good internet speed for apps and online habit-tracking tools. 

Get motivation and support from online communities

Online communities can help you achieve your summer goals for mindful technology use by connecting you with like-minded individuals, relevant events and activities in your area. If you’re feeling isolated, the online support of others who share your interests can keep you motivated to stay consistent with technological balance and enjoy more screen-free summer fun. Use these tips to start connecting with your community.

  • Find a group: Facebook groups, Reddit and LinkedIn are great platforms for connecting with people who share your interests, such as gardening, traveling and more. Get started with a no-contract internet plan to begin connecting online with people who have similar interests. You can discover local outdoor activities and events in your city, such as fun runs, farmers markets, fairs and more.
  • Build connections: Reliable high-speed internet can help you build relationships with an online community that can lead to real-world adventures. Share and receive tips and knowledge about the best parks, splash pads, trails and hidden gems like waterfalls. Local parenting or moms’ groups are excellent for organizing playdates and discovering new screen-free activities in your area.

Summer solstice recap: Achieving balance between the internet and wellness

The summer solstice provides an opportunity to reassess priorities and enjoy the outdoors. It can sometimes be difficult to disconnect from our constant connectivity, especially with the allure of streaming and gaming. Consider methods like doing digital detoxes, using productivity apps and engaging with online communities for support and motivation. These strategies help integrate technology use with wellness goals, ensuring technology enhances rather than detracts from your quality of life. 

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Lisa Iscrupe is a senior writer helping readers understand the complexities of broadband, internet and other home services, including energy and renewable products. Her work appears on and, with national sources such as CNN, The Daily MBA and The Media Bulletin referencing her articles.

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Hannah Whatley is an editor who enjoys collaborating with writers to offer readers the most relevant, accurate, and up-to-date information for their home purchases. She has previously edited for The Motley Fool, The Modest Wallet, Grammarly, and, gaining expertise in several industries. Hannah has a B.A. in English from Thomas Edison State University. When she isn’t editing, she enjoys studying linguistics and languages.

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